New Islamic Year

Recharge your spiritual batteries because the new Islamic year is near here. Muslims worldwide follow the Islamic (Hijri) calendar to determine critical religious dates and events. The Islamic New Year begins when a new moon is sighted. The Islamic calendar is based on 12 lunar months; Muharram is the first month in the Islamic calendar.
Islamic New Year 2022 is referred to as Hijri 1444 and falls on July 29, 2022.

Celebrations of New Islamic year

We all have enjoyed sleepless, late-night celebrations of the New Gregorian year. But, Islamic New year celebrations are unlike it. It’s pretty spiritual and enlightens the mortality of the Muslims. Hence, the New Islamic year celebration is all about religious events and recitals. Therefore, special prayers are conducted in mosques.

Supplicate to Almighty Allah for forgiveness:

Every Muslim must seek forgiveness once a day. There are two types of forgiveness; Allah’s forgiveness and human forgiveness. One must seek both! Since seeking forgiveness with repentance is a virtue. Undoubtedly, Nobody is perfect every time. We all make mistakes, unintentionally and sometimes intentionally. But, the door of Allah’s forgiveness is open for everyone who seeks it.

To get human forgiveness, we need to accept a few terms and conditions of the person. But, Allah’s forgiveness is far easy to seek. Just say, “ASTAGHFIRULLAH” from the core of your heart. No doubt, Allah is the most Merciful.

In Qur’an, Allah Almighty says:

“Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance, and He loves those who keep themselves pure.”

Muslims mourn the passing of Hussain:

Hussain, Our Prophet’s grandson, was killed mercilessly in the month of Muharram. Indeed, It’s a painful event in the history of Muslims. Therefore, special sermons are conducted to shed a tear at the injustice.

Fasting in Muharram:

Muharram is indeed a sad month in Muslim history. All over the globe, Muslims observe fast in this sacred month to show respect to the martyrdom in the battle of Karbala. Therefore, fasting on Muharram 9th and 10th (Day of Ashura) is highly recommended and considered sacred.

Every Muslim's resolution:

• To be at peace with himself and others.
• Play his role in spreading Islam
• Be righteous and pious
• To disseminate Injunctions of Islam
• Reflect the true meaning of being a “Muslim.”
• Be generous and kind

Make Du'a!

Ask Almighty Allah, for Prosperity, safety, and Imaan throughout this year.


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